Box Tickers

A 4-part podcast series to mark the 10th anniversary of the Equalities Act 2010, featuring provocations from 13 artists

Equality in a post-pandemic world

In 2020 in the midst of a global pandemic, the UK Equality Act 2010 turned 10.

Throughout COVID-19, we saw how inequality is embedded in our society more prominently than ever before, from the treatment of older people in care homes, the Black Lives Matter movement and rolling back of trans rights. It felt significant that at a time when we needed to challenge the imbalance in our society, the tenth anniversary of the Equalities Act 2010 arrived.

Greater Manchester was one of the worst hit regions in the UK, with mortality rates from COVID-19 25% higher than in England as a whole, devastating local families and communities. Greater Manchester has long been at the sharp end of social, environmental, economic and health inequalities. A fact that has fuelled much of our work.


Every year since 2016, we’ve been visiting schools across Greater Manchester to talk about this act and equality in society with thousands of young people. At each school, we ask an important question: ‘do you think it’s working?’

Local and national lockdowns put a stop to our school’s programme and as a result much of our work moved into the digital realm. Determined to continue our commitment to conversations around and action for equality, we set about creating our first podcast- Box Tickers; a 4-part series to mark the 10th anniversary of the Equalities Act.

Powerful protest

After prolonged austerity, tension, protest and pandemic, Art with Heart has returned to the Equality Act’s list of protected characteristics and asked, is ‘protection’ enough? How can we come together and build a future that accommodates everyone post lockdown?

Featuring provocations from 13 Greater Manchester based artists, Box Tickers asked, is  ‘protection’ enough? How can we come together and build a future that accommodates everyone?

Many of the artists are intersectional and represent many different lived experiences. Not one of them could be defined as belonging to a ‘box’. We value their voices. We want you to hear what they have to say. We invite you to listen to their challenges. To engage with their perspectives. To consider a better future.

Listen & follow the series:

On Spotify 

On iTunes

On YouTube with subtitles