Equalities Workshops

Discussion based workshops for primary and secondary schools, exploring equality, equity, rights and values

3 primary school children discuss equality in a workshop

What can you expect?

Our discussion-based Equalities Workshops look at diversity and British Values as per Ofsted and DfE guidance. Ideal as part of Enrichment, Citizenship and PSHE timetables.

Developed with schools, Manchester City Council and the ex Greater Manchester Mayor, the workshop can be adapted and and delivered to primary school and high school students.

The workshop focuses on creating a positive school environment for all students. We look at identities including the 9 protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010 (including Disability, Race, Religion or Belief, Sex, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity inclusive of Trans identities) to open conversations around the importance of equality with students to foster awareness and understanding. 

Exploring current discrimination locally, nationally and globally we highlight the root of inequality and importance of diversity. Students will look at key historical markers in law changes and explore how society has responded to them. The workshop concludes with individual personal pledges towards equality in their own lives.

As an outside agency, students and teachers have found this to be an advantage to kickstart conversations and support students development. 

We also offer an LGBTQIA+ focused version run by an openly bisexual facilitator who is able to answer questions and debunk myths around the LGBT community and work with schools to assess their equal opportunities and discrimination policy.

Sarah facilitating a conversation with school pupils

Our sessions

An Art with Heart equalities workshop handout

When we first meet you, we’ll work to understand the areas of inequality and discrimination that your school is facing, allowing us to ensure that we’re inviting the most appropriate facilitators from our team of freelancers and catering elements of the workshop to suit your needs.

High school workshops last for an hour, working with each  form group in the year. Primary school workshops last from two hours to a day dependent on need.

At the end of the workshop, all students will be given a workshop booklet, including a space where they can list any personal pledges for better equality.

If you would like to find out more or are interested in booking a workshop, please contact sarah@artwithheart.org.uk.

Get in touch

We work hard to make our workshops free for schools to access. This is only possible through funding from local authorities and trusts and foundations. We’ve also recently launched a scheme where businesses can purchase a workshop for themselves and fund one for a local school.

If you’re interested in finding out more about this or want to recommend a business we can approach together please contact sarah@artwithheart.org.uk.

Click here to contact us