In late 2022, Media Cubs, Art with Heartand 4CT Limited got the opportunity to bring a group of 20 children aged 7-11 together to create a short film all about their community and where they live in Manchester.
The group created a movie over three sessions at The Stirling Centre youth club and were introduced to film making techniques such as directing and camera work.
During the project, Art with Heart collected feedback from the children at the start and end of each session to gather a better understanding about the impact from the project on the young people.
100% of young people said they enjoyed the project, 100% said they learnt something about filming and 93% feel more confident as a result of the project.
One participant said: “My mum will be so proud because this is the first time I have done something like this and she can watch it.”
Another said: “Performing in front of the camera made me feel good.”
Words used to describe the project included “surprising”, “happy” and “extraordinary”.
55 people (friends and family) attended a special premiere evening to view the film, complete with popcorn of course!
They each got to walk the red carpet, watch their work on the big screen and receive a well-deserved Media Cubs ‘oscar’ award.
All of the content within the film such as the poetry, songs and dances were created by the children – they were given full creative control – watch their special film below.
Jodie Smith, project leader, said: “This was a fantastic opportunity to engage a group of young people by giving them the skills and confidence to create their very own piece of work which I hope they can look back on in years to come and feel very proud of themselves.
“We commissioned them to work with our Newton Heath junior youth club on an arts and culture project – funded by our core grant from Manchester City Council as we wanted to do something where the children (aged 6-11) could produce something about where they live in the year of the child #OURYEAR2022
Blog written by Kirsty Day for Media Cubs
Turn the young people you work with into Media Cubs movie-makers! Learn more about our partnership work here or contact us at team@mediacubs.co.uk