Our jaunt to Scotland for a special performance at Paines Plough’s Roundabout at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe

We had a great time performing Declaration in Edinburgh at Paines Plough’s Roundabout. We were joined by a lovely, packed, friendly crowd and had a blast meeting audience members from all over the UK and the World.

It’s a well know fact that all locals up sticks come fringe season in the Auld Reekie, so we were delighted that a local ADHD support group joined us.

Performing in Roundabout once more only solidified our undying love for this beautiful and magical space. If you’ve yet to experience its joy, we recommend you try and catch it whilst it’s on tour.

Whilst at the fringe we saw some excellent work and enjoyed debates and conversations over at The Sick of The FringeDeclaration was ‘Diagnosed’ by TSOTF, as part of a series of written responses from medical and theatre fields, which aim to encourage more public dialogues about the body, health and medicine. You can read our diagnosis here.