Stream Declaration

You can now stream Art with Heart’s award-winning play Declaration

Stream award-winning play Declaration

Sarah is surrounded by the audience and holds up a giant inflatable beach ball. She smiles joyfully.

Declaration is available to stream online. We are asking that people make a one time contribution on a pay what you decide basis to access the video for a month.

“A level of empathy and understanding that smashes apart stereotypes and stigma.” –  ***** The Reviews Hub 

Sarah grew up feeling different. Her childhood doctor thought it was sugar. Her current doctor thinks its ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). Sarah still feels different, so what will a label do? Will it change the way you see her and the way she sees herself?

With autobiographical storytelling, comedy, and conversations with audiences, Declaration is a vibrant and daring adventure of school day survival tactics, super-hero alter-egos and the stumbling blocks to self-acceptance.

“I wanted to hold my breath, so I wouldn’t miss a single minute.” – Audience Member

Developed in consultation with medical professionals and mental health support groups, Declaration examines the faces we wear to fit in and what happens when we dare to stand out.

How to stream Declaration

Step 1: Make a ‘pay what you decide’ contribution to support Art with Heart’s work by following this link.

Recommended rates:

  • £1 Minimum contribution
  • £5 for people on low income
  • £10 for students / Under 30s / Over 65’s / Access
  • £15 Standard
  • £30 Small group (e.g. Community / parents support group)
  • £50 Large group (e.g. Used as part of staff training session)

Step 2: Email with confirmation of the date you sent your donation.

Step 3: Rachel will email you a link and password which will enable you to stream Declaration online for 1 month via Dropbox. You do not need a Dropbox account to access the footage. She will also send you a copy of the programme, which includes links to support services and information about ADHD.

Step 4: Grab a brew and watch Declaration.

If you require a subtitled version please contact Rachel.

Sarah running around in a superhero costume Declaration

Useful information

Running Time: 70 minutes
Age Guidance: 14+

Declaration was recorded during a live performance to a packed house of lovely audience members sat in the round. Our cameraperson was stationed in a corner surrounded by audience, because of this you will occasionally hear audience reactions and sounds such as laughter, coughing and people moving in their seats!

Content Warnings:
  • Contains use of strong language
  • Themes of & references to mental health and ADHD
  • Discussion of medical diagnosis process and wait times for ADHD
  • References to anxiety, depression and self-criticism
  • Infrequent references to parental conflict and separation
  • Discussion about becoming a parent
Lighting and video playback:
  • There will be times when the lights go a pink or blue colour, and times when the lights go darker
  • There will be times when the lights will go dark so that we can watch a video
  • There are times when loud music and sound effects are played
  • There is one section in which lots of different people’s voices are played over the top of each other, which builds to make a loud sound. If you have a sensitivity to sound it may be worth you having a pair of headphones, loops or ear defenders nearby while you watch
Aftercare & Support: 

Declaration toured with SPACE, a mobile wellbeing room which was available to access before, during and after the performance. SPACE was curated and hosted by mental health practitioner, Steph Walker; it was vital in helping to safeguard audiences, offering wellbeing tips and signposting to local initiatives, ADHD and mental health support services.

As we cannot provide in person aftercare for audience streaming Declaration, we will ensure that anyone who streams the play will receive information signposting to ADHD and Mental Health support services.

If you are currently struggling with some of the themes explored in Declaration we recommend streaming with a pal, someone who has your back, as well as someone you can have a good laugh with as there’s plenty of fun bits too, promise.

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