#TimeToTalkDay: Theatre and Mental Health

Today is Time To Talk Day, a day dedicated to encouraging people to talk more openly about mental health. Brilliant!!

Personal and collective wellbeing is a top priority here at Art with Heart and something we have been banging on about a lot over the past year.

In 2017 we spent three months on the road with Declaration, a piece of autobiographical performance about mental health, ADHD and diagnosis.

Making Declaration made us re-evaluate our working practices and forced us to be more honest with one another about what we needed in order to feel mentally healthy. It also challenged us to explore new practices in our approach to audience wellbeing, which led to an exciting collaboration with Mental Health Practitioner, Steph Walker, who curated a beautiful mobile wellbeing room called SPACE for audiences.

We spent much of last year discussing how the theatre industry, particularly the touring circuit, can better support artists, staff, participants and audiences living with mental ill health. We’ve had some great conversations with artists, programmers, venue staff, industry reps and audiences and are committed to keeping these conversations alive.

For Time To Talk Day, we’ve pulled together a collection of our musings on the matter of mental health and theatre from the past year.

If you want to join the conversation, drop us a line and we’ll organise a brew!!

Take care of yourselves,

Rachel and Sarah